ENL is for speakers of other languages. The four basic communication skills - reading, writing, listening, and speaking - are emphasized through a variety of activities. Students are grouped according to ability in English - beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The principal goal of the ENL program is to prepare students to meet the language challenges in their classes.
Prerequisite - recommended by the ENL teacher and Guidance Counselor
ENL 1 (1610) - Beginner; ENL 2 (1620) - Intermediate; ENL 3 ( 1630) - Advanced
I. Course Outline
The objective of each ENL class is to teach English language skills which will enable students to succeed in content area classes, the school in general, and the community outside. Lessons center around the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
II. Course Requirements
III. Additional Information:
Activities for ENL students: Here are some interesting sites for students of English as a Second Language, with quizzes, tests, exercises, grammar, spelling, proverbs, idioms, vocabulary worksheets, and much more to help you learn English.
Dave's ESL Cafe You might find the most interesting help under "Stuff for Students."
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab Here are listening activities for ENL students.
Activities for ESL Students Find quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a New Language.
The Tower of English This site helps ENL students quickly find the best places on the Internet to practice real English.
Interesting Things for ESL Students This is a fun study site for learners of English as a Second Language.
English as a Second Language This is a good online resource to practice listening, grammar, and comprehension.
Grammar Bytes You can test your grammar knowledge here.
Self Study:
Prerequisite - recommended by the ENL teacher and Guidance Counselor
ENL 1 (1610) - Beginner; ENL 2 (1620) - Intermediate; ENL 3 ( 1630) - Advanced
I. Course Outline
The objective of each ENL class is to teach English language skills which will enable students to succeed in content area classes, the school in general, and the community outside. Lessons center around the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
II. Course Requirements
- Notebook: Every student must have a separate notebook for ENL , with sections for homework, classwork, and new vocabulary and grammar.
- Projects: Every student must prepare projects during the year.
- Homework: Every student must do his/her homework regularly and make up any assignments that are missed.
- Participation: Class participation is extremely important in ENL, and it is necessary for each student to attain communicative competence.
- Assessments: Quizzes and exams are given periodically throughout the year.
- Attendance: Regular attendance and punctuality are expected. Cutting is not permitted.
- NYSESLAT (New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test): The NYSESLAT is a test of English language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and helps determine the student's level. All ENL students must take this exam in May.
- Extra Help: Students are encouraged to meet with the teacher for extra help when needed. Remember, by following the course requirements, we can make this year an enjoyable one for all.
III. Additional Information:
- TOEFL: 11th and 12th grade students are encouraged to prepare for and take the TOEFL test to meet the requirements of most colleges.
- Regents: All ENL students are expected to meet the Regents requirements for graduation. They must take the English Regents in English, but may take the other Regents in their native language, when available, and have the use of a translating dictionary.
- Plagiarism Statement: Plagiarism is defined as presenting the thoughts, writings, and ideas of other people as your own. Integrity of the academic process requires that credit be given where credit is due. Accordingly, it is unethical to present as one’s own work the ideas, representations, or words of another or to permit another to present one’s own work without customary and proper acknowledgment of sources.
Activities for ENL students: Here are some interesting sites for students of English as a Second Language, with quizzes, tests, exercises, grammar, spelling, proverbs, idioms, vocabulary worksheets, and much more to help you learn English.
Dave's ESL Cafe You might find the most interesting help under "Stuff for Students."
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab Here are listening activities for ENL students.
Activities for ESL Students Find quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a New Language.
The Tower of English This site helps ENL students quickly find the best places on the Internet to practice real English.
Interesting Things for ESL Students This is a fun study site for learners of English as a Second Language.
English as a Second Language This is a good online resource to practice listening, grammar, and comprehension.
Grammar Bytes You can test your grammar knowledge here.
Self Study:

This is an interview with the author of The House on Mango Street,
Sandra Cisneros. The writer tells the story of why she wrote this
novel and she discusses why teenagers should find the story one which
they can relate to. To see it, click on the photo to the left. You will
better understand the plot and the main character's thoughts and
emotions after you see and listen to this interview. (If it is blocked by the
school district's filter, which it shouldn't be, watch it at home.)
Sandra Cisneros. The writer tells the story of why she wrote this
novel and she discusses why teenagers should find the story one which
they can relate to. To see it, click on the photo to the left. You will
better understand the plot and the main character's thoughts and
emotions after you see and listen to this interview. (If it is blocked by the
school district's filter, which it shouldn't be, watch it at home.)

Listen to Sandra Cisneros read from her novel The House on Mango Street. Her reading is accompanied by
Spanish art which matches the words she is saying. To view the artwork and listen to Cisneros read, just
click on the photo on the right.
Spanish art which matches the words she is saying. To view the artwork and listen to Cisneros read, just
click on the photo on the right.

This is an interview with the author of The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton. To see it,
click on the photo to the left. She talks about the novel and how she got
some of her ideas. She also discusses specific scenes in the film (movie) version
of her book and how they relate to her own life..
click on the photo to the left. She talks about the novel and how she got
some of her ideas. She also discusses specific scenes in the film (movie) version
of her book and how they relate to her own life..

The rumble scene from the movie version of The Outsiders may be viewed by clicking on the picture on the right. Watch as the Soc's and the Greasers fight each other. Who wins? Answer this by noting what occurs during this seven-minute clip.

Click on the photo to the left and you will experience
what Gary Paulsen, author of The Crossing, had to say
about his life as a writer. As you hear about his other novels,
mentioned in this and the next video, you might want to read
one of them, especially if you enjoyed his writing in The Crossing.
what Gary Paulsen, author of The Crossing, had to say
about his life as a writer. As you hear about his other novels,
mentioned in this and the next video, you might want to read
one of them, especially if you enjoyed his writing in The Crossing.

After you have clicked on the picture to the right, you will be able to watch and listen to a report about the life of author Gary Paulsen, who wrote The Crossing as well as Hatchet
and several other novels for adolescents. Find out why this once failing high school student later said that his life was saved by reading and writing books.
and several other novels for adolescents. Find out why this once failing high school student later said that his life was saved by reading and writing books.

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous (really, by Beatrice Sparks) -
This is the full-length movie version of the book, written in diary form by an "anonymous teenager," about her struggles with drugs and her relationships with friends and family. To watch this one hour, 14-minute TV movie, just click on the photo to the left. Jamie Smith-Jackson plays the teenager who craves acceptance by her peers. The film is done in a cinema-verite style. Several scenes were shot in Los Angeles, California.
This is the full-length movie version of the book, written in diary form by an "anonymous teenager," about her struggles with drugs and her relationships with friends and family. To watch this one hour, 14-minute TV movie, just click on the photo to the left. Jamie Smith-Jackson plays the teenager who craves acceptance by her peers. The film is done in a cinema-verite style. Several scenes were shot in Los Angeles, California.

Beatrice Sparks, writer / editor of Go Ask Alice -
Just click on the name above or the photo to the left
and be taken to a web page which gives you biographical
information about this woman. as well as a list of all the
diaries of troubled teenagers which she has written. Perhaps
you will find the title of a book - similar to Go Ask Alice -
which you will want to read some day soon. At this site,
each of her novels is pictured. You can find out what each
book is about by clicking on the picture of the cover of
that specific book.
Just click on the name above or the photo to the left
and be taken to a web page which gives you biographical
information about this woman. as well as a list of all the
diaries of troubled teenagers which she has written. Perhaps
you will find the title of a book - similar to Go Ask Alice -
which you will want to read some day soon. At this site,
each of her novels is pictured. You can find out what each
book is about by clicking on the picture of the cover of
that specific book.

Atlantis Aquarium in Riverhead, New York -
Join John Chu and his family as they record their visit to
the same aquarium many of you recently visited. Did
you see the same sights that the family pictured in
this video saw? What else did you see?
Join John Chu and his family as they record their visit to
the same aquarium many of you recently visited. Did
you see the same sights that the family pictured in
this video saw? What else did you see?

Assorted Asian and International Night Videos -
Join Steven Lin and many others as you
watch various activities and performances
which have taken place on the Great Neck South
High School stage over the past several years.
Be ready to be entertained!
Join Steven Lin and many others as you
watch various activities and performances
which have taken place on the Great Neck South
High School stage over the past several years.
Be ready to be entertained!

Go to this web site and you will be able to watch
and listen to many videos of different sports
events around the world, involving various
nations. You can enjoy yourself and, at the
same time, practice and develop your English
skills. This sports site was made for you!
Go to this web site and you will be able to watch
and listen to many videos of different sports
events around the world, involving various
nations. You can enjoy yourself and, at the
same time, practice and develop your English
skills. This sports site was made for you!
Connect with English -
This web site has an "Introduction" followed by 48 chapters, each with a 15-minute video so that you can see what is happening. It is the story of Rebecca, a singer who travels across America trying to develop her career (while YOU improve your English). See a picture of the site below. The names of some of the chapters are "A Visit to the Doctor," "Celebrations," "A New Home" and "The First Day of Class." It " touches on life's important issues: leaving home, parenting, education, work, love, success, and loss" - as the site tells us.
This web site has an "Introduction" followed by 48 chapters, each with a 15-minute video so that you can see what is happening. It is the story of Rebecca, a singer who travels across America trying to develop her career (while YOU improve your English). See a picture of the site below. The names of some of the chapters are "A Visit to the Doctor," "Celebrations," "A New Home" and "The First Day of Class." It " touches on life's important issues: leaving home, parenting, education, work, love, success, and loss" - as the site tells us.
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Also, see the ENL web sites listed on the "Useful Web Sites" page.
To practice your listening and hearing American English: