Videos To Learn from - - - - - - To find a nice collection of educational videos, go to and search for what you need or want. A sample follows:

20 Incredible TED Talks For High School Students
Go to
and watch such talks as "Why to believe in others," "A healthy take on time," "Ancient wonders in 3D, "Take charge," "A life lesson from a volunteer fireman," "Use art to turn the world inside out," "The new origami," "How economic inequality harms societies," "Mother and daughter doctor-heroes" and "Laws that choke creativity."
Go to
and watch such talks as "Why to believe in others," "A healthy take on time," "Ancient wonders in 3D, "Take charge," "A life lesson from a volunteer fireman," "Use art to turn the world inside out," "The new origami," "How economic inequality harms societies," "Mother and daughter doctor-heroes" and "Laws that choke creativity."

Teenage Plays two Guitars at Once -
Watch as then 13 year old Jason Kertson
played "Drifting" by Andy McKee on two
guitars simultaneously. This video was
made two years ago, but only recently
went viral. (Special thanks to Kareem for
helping make this video available to you all)
Watch as then 13 year old Jason Kertson
played "Drifting" by Andy McKee on two
guitars simultaneously. This video was
made two years ago, but only recently
went viral. (Special thanks to Kareem for
helping make this video available to you all)

Skateboarding Toddler -
Be amazed as you watch a two year old boy skateboarding.
He has amazing balance and a clear knowledge of the skills
necessary for this activity. Kahlei Stone-Kelly from Australia
has been practicing since he was six months old. He comes
from a skateboarding family. Obviously, he learned from his elders.
Be amazed as you watch a two year old boy skateboarding.
He has amazing balance and a clear knowledge of the skills
necessary for this activity. Kahlei Stone-Kelly from Australia
has been practicing since he was six months old. He comes
from a skateboarding family. Obviously, he learned from his elders.

"Strain" -
This is a VERY well done video which effectively communicates what it must feel like to be a target of bullying -and how disgusting the bullies appear to be. Obviously, one clear message is not to be a bully but understand the other real message of this video: It's not all right to stand by and let someone else get bullied. Don't let the victim feel isolated and alone. Help out. Report the situation to an adult in school.
This is a VERY well done video which effectively communicates what it must feel like to be a target of bullying -and how disgusting the bullies appear to be. Obviously, one clear message is not to be a bully but understand the other real message of this video: It's not all right to stand by and let someone else get bullied. Don't let the victim feel isolated and alone. Help out. Report the situation to an adult in school.

Stop-Motion Video -
It's amazing what one can do
with some flat sheets of paper
and a camera - and some nice
skills. Watch and see.
It's amazing what one can do
with some flat sheets of paper
and a camera - and some nice
skills. Watch and see.

Marker Maker Stop-Motion Video -
Now watch what can be done with the same skill and
a white board with a dry erase black marker, with
letters and shapes.
Now watch what can be done with the same skill and
a white board with a dry erase black marker, with
letters and shapes.

Ten Humans with Super-Powers -
They include a man who could eat anything (including
metal and glass), a man who fought bulls with his bare
hands, the human calculator and the human Google.
They include a man who could eat anything (including
metal and glass), a man who fought bulls with his bare
hands, the human calculator and the human Google.

Ten Places You Will Never Visit -
Included are military installations,
Area 51, a weather location and
a tunnel.
Included are military installations,
Area 51, a weather location and
a tunnel.

Dolphins Order Lunch -
Three dolphins have been taught, by the selection
of symbols, to tell their keepers which type of
fish or seafood they'd like for lunch. The most
intelligent dolphin is Luna. The experiment is
called the Elvis Project.
Three dolphins have been taught, by the selection
of symbols, to tell their keepers which type of
fish or seafood they'd like for lunch. The most
intelligent dolphin is Luna. The experiment is
called the Elvis Project.

Earth in One Thousand Years - What will our
planet be like in another millennium? What will
the greatest changes be? This half-hour video
attempts to answer these and similar questions.
planet be like in another millennium? What will
the greatest changes be? This half-hour video
attempts to answer these and similar questions.

Chinese Artist Disappears Frequently -
Beijing-based artist Liu Bolin shows in this video many of the works of art which he has created, often to protest conditions or make statements about unfair government practices, use of dangerous chemicals, etc. What he does is blend into the background of various scenes so that he seems invisible, but if you examine each of the paintings carefully, you can see Liu - but you'd better look very carefully. This will be a challenge to your perceptive skill. Hit the pause button and look for him.
Beijing-based artist Liu Bolin shows in this video many of the works of art which he has created, often to protest conditions or make statements about unfair government practices, use of dangerous chemicals, etc. What he does is blend into the background of various scenes so that he seems invisible, but if you examine each of the paintings carefully, you can see Liu - but you'd better look very carefully. This will be a challenge to your perceptive skill. Hit the pause button and look for him.

Woman Discovers her Father was a Hero -
A woman who was 13 years old when her father died looked into
her father's past with the help of her husband, and they found
out that her quiet, modest father had been a World War II hero
who had earned a number of medals for his service in the U. S.
Army. Watch this story and understand the pride a daughter
felt upon hearing so much about her father, all with the help of
accurate and well-done RESEARCH.
A woman who was 13 years old when her father died looked into
her father's past with the help of her husband, and they found
out that her quiet, modest father had been a World War II hero
who had earned a number of medals for his service in the U. S.
Army. Watch this story and understand the pride a daughter
felt upon hearing so much about her father, all with the help of
accurate and well-done RESEARCH.

Taste Simulator -
This device allows you to sample virtual
(imitation real) food. An electrode that can
produce the taste of salty, sweet, bitter and
sour food could make gaming tastier, and
help in healthcare, also.
This device allows you to sample virtual
(imitation real) food. An electrode that can
produce the taste of salty, sweet, bitter and
sour food could make gaming tastier, and
help in healthcare, also.
Above and below are videos on various academic subjects you may deal with. Just click on the blue title of the video you wish to view and watch it. New videos will be added as time goes on. If you have a request for a video about any academic subject which you'd like to see on this page, just tell Mr. Munshine at the English table in the Study Center. Notes - You can avoid ads, when they occur, by either clicking on the words "Skip Ad" in the lower right corner of the screen or x'ing out the ad (clicking on the X in the upper right corner of the ad, if it is there). ALSO, you can enlarge any video to full-screen size by clicking on the box with four arrows in the lower right corner of a video. (If a video is blocked in school, you'll be able to watch it at home.)

How to Get Straight A's -
Learn from the many ideas and
suggestions that a fellow high
school student has to offer you.
These include study tips.
Learn from the many ideas and
suggestions that a fellow high
school student has to offer you.
These include study tips.

How to Study -
This is a video introducing
ideas for improving your study
skills - with a British accent!
This is a video introducing
ideas for improving your study
skills - with a British accent!

Study Skills for People Who Hate to Study -
Here are the top 10 tips for avoiding procrastinating
(putting things off), presented by fellow teenagers - so
that you get ideas on NOT waiting till the last
minute, or even later than that!
Here are the top 10 tips for avoiding procrastinating
(putting things off), presented by fellow teenagers - so
that you get ideas on NOT waiting till the last
minute, or even later than that!

How to Manage Your Time Better -
Learn how to handle your time. Yes, this video seems to be
aimed at an adult audience BUT everything told to you can
be applied to high school students. Just pay attention - and
realize how you can use the tips given to use your time better.
Learn how to handle your time. Yes, this video seems to be
aimed at an adult audience BUT everything told to you can
be applied to high school students. Just pay attention - and
realize how you can use the tips given to use your time better.

Get Organized -
Watch and listen as a high school student explains and
demonstrates how to be organized using binders,
dividers and notebooks, among other common school
supplies. Anyone can be organized!
Watch and listen as a high school student explains and
demonstrates how to be organized using binders,
dividers and notebooks, among other common school
supplies. Anyone can be organized!

The Seven Skills You Need for the Future -
This extremely important lecture explains to you seven skills which will enable you to succeed in your future academic and, especially, professional life; included are Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Agility and Adaptability, Initiative, Effective Written and Oral Communication, Accessing and Analyzing Information and Curiosity and Imagination. The speaker is a faculty member of the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University.
This extremely important lecture explains to you seven skills which will enable you to succeed in your future academic and, especially, professional life; included are Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Agility and Adaptability, Initiative, Effective Written and Oral Communication, Accessing and Analyzing Information and Curiosity and Imagination. The speaker is a faculty member of the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University.

How to Concentrate on Homework and Studying -
The title tells you what this video aims to teach you - in
an interesting way.
The title tells you what this video aims to teach you - in
an interesting way.

Four Great Study Tips -
These are given by a student at Oxford University in
England but they made him successful, and you can
adapt them to meet your needs here in an American high school.
These are given by a student at Oxford University in
England but they made him successful, and you can
adapt them to meet your needs here in an American high school.

How to Read a Textbook -
This webinar explains and illustrates the best ways to read any textbook
for any subject. Follow the narrator's advice and your understanding of a
textbook will increase.
This webinar explains and illustrates the best ways to read any textbook
for any subject. Follow the narrator's advice and your understanding of a
textbook will increase.

How to Stop Procrastinating -
You are presented with a three-step method for getting
projects or assignments done on time rather than putting
them off. It's really a very entertaining (and valuable) presentation.
You are presented with a three-step method for getting
projects or assignments done on time rather than putting
them off. It's really a very entertaining (and valuable) presentation.

Beat Procrastination - Get to know three "powerful" ways
to NOT put off doing your work until it's the last minute. Get
better grades by meeting deadlines.
to NOT put off doing your work until it's the last minute. Get
better grades by meeting deadlines.

Note-Taking -
Follow this 7-minute lecture on how to take
better notes. There are suggestions which range
from using differently colored pens to underlining
and making boxes. The method presented is very effective.
Follow this 7-minute lecture on how to take
better notes. There are suggestions which range
from using differently colored pens to underlining
and making boxes. The method presented is very effective.

How to Take Great Notes -
It is essential to your success as a student that you
know how to take really good notes. This video
focuses on a three-step method for writing down
the important things which a teacher says so that
you have your best chance to get good test grades.
It is essential to your success as a student that you
know how to take really good notes. This video
focuses on a three-step method for writing down
the important things which a teacher says so that
you have your best chance to get good test grades.

Summarize vs. Paraphrase -
Learn the difference between summarizing
and paraphrasing. Know when to use each
in a research paper. See examples of each
technique in this video. Practice doing each.
Learn the difference between summarizing
and paraphrasing. Know when to use each
in a research paper. See examples of each
technique in this video. Practice doing each.

Eight Steps to Paraphrasing -
This is a filmed PowerPoint Presentation
in which you are made aware of eight
things you should know about how to
put reading material into your own words.
This is a filmed PowerPoint Presentation
in which you are made aware of eight
things you should know about how to
put reading material into your own words.

Study Skills - Paraphrase -
This presentation explains clearly how to paraphrase
and demonstrates the method of placing articles into
your own words to show that you understand the material
you are reporting on. It is very well done.
This presentation explains clearly how to paraphrase
and demonstrates the method of placing articles into
your own words to show that you understand the material
you are reporting on. It is very well done.

Paraphrasing Practice -
Use this video to get practice putting reading passages
into your own words. See which matter should be high-
lighted for inclusion into your notes and, eventually,
into your paraphrasing when you write your research paper.
Use this video to get practice putting reading passages
into your own words. See which matter should be high-
lighted for inclusion into your notes and, eventually,
into your paraphrasing when you write your research paper.

What is Active Reading? -
Learn how to remember and understand more of
what you read with the suggestions in this video.
You'll learn what active reading is and why it is
important. You'll also learn the PRP method.
Learn how to remember and understand more of
what you read with the suggestions in this video.
You'll learn what active reading is and why it is
important. You'll also learn the PRP method.

All about NoodleTools -
To have access to 30 videos showing you how to use different areas of NoodleTools, go to the tab at the top of this screen called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "NoodleTools." Select the brief videos which you need in order to review how to use this useful research tool to create your paper. The videos make it easy to learn or review how to use this method of collecting and organizing your research.
To have access to 30 videos showing you how to use different areas of NoodleTools, go to the tab at the top of this screen called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "NoodleTools." Select the brief videos which you need in order to review how to use this useful research tool to create your paper. The videos make it easy to learn or review how to use this method of collecting and organizing your research.

Speed Reading -
Be warned that most speed reading videos are ads for courses and the makers want your money.
This one is no different; still, you can learn what it takes to read more quickly here (at no cost).
Be warned that most speed reading videos are ads for courses and the makers want your money.
This one is no different; still, you can learn what it takes to read more quickly here (at no cost).

Exam Strategies - Study Skills -
Presented are additional ideas for improving your study skills
so that you can get better test grades and gain self-
Presented are additional ideas for improving your study skills
so that you can get better test grades and gain self-

How to Take a Multiple Choice Test -
Watch this short video and improve your performance
on multiple choice tests by following the suggestions
made here.
Watch this short video and improve your performance
on multiple choice tests by following the suggestions
made here.

Plagiarism: Avoid Academic Theft -
Examine different situations to find out whether
you are committing plagiarism, a practice which will
cause problems with writing and research assignments.
Topics include use of a thesaurus and failure to use
quotation marks, among several others.
Examine different situations to find out whether
you are committing plagiarism, a practice which will
cause problems with writing and research assignments.
Topics include use of a thesaurus and failure to use
quotation marks, among several others.

How to Memorize Lists - Quickly -
Find out how to learn long lists of facts or things by using
the Link Method, which involves visualizing objects in ways
you won't forget. The video provides effective practice.
Find out how to learn long lists of facts or things by using
the Link Method, which involves visualizing objects in ways
you won't forget. The video provides effective practice.

What is the Common Core? -
What does the Common Core mean and why are
teachers talking about it? This three-minute
video helps make the concept clear.
What does the Common Core mean and why are
teachers talking about it? This three-minute
video helps make the concept clear.

How to Use a Scientific Calculator -
This is an easy-to-follow step-by-step
tutorial about how to use this instrument.
It has fine explanations and terrific
illustrations. You will become an expert.
This is an easy-to-follow step-by-step
tutorial about how to use this instrument.
It has fine explanations and terrific
illustrations. You will become an expert.

Converting Fractions to Decimals -
Follow the teaching of Salman (Sal) Khan as he
explains how you can convert any fraction into
its matching decimal (e.g. 1/2 to 0.5).
Follow the teaching of Salman (Sal) Khan as he
explains how you can convert any fraction into
its matching decimal (e.g. 1/2 to 0.5).

Adding and Subtracting Fractions -
Learn how to add and subtract fractions
in this clear one-step-at-a-time video which
explains how you do this operation. This 10-
minute clip is from the Khan Academy.
Learn how to add and subtract fractions
in this clear one-step-at-a-time video which
explains how you do this operation. This 10-
minute clip is from the Khan Academy.

Adding or Subtracting Negative Numbers -
This 9-minute video tells you how to add or subtract
negative numbers easily. By the time you're done,
you will find this procedure easy. It won't give you
any more trouble.
This 9-minute video tells you how to add or subtract
negative numbers easily. By the time you're done,
you will find this procedure easy. It won't give you
any more trouble.

How to Learn Algebra Quickly-
Here are a few suggestions to help you have the right attitude about
learning algebra - from facing your fear to assessing your starting point
to handling equations. Practice a lot and learn from your mistakes.
Here are a few suggestions to help you have the right attitude about
learning algebra - from facing your fear to assessing your starting point
to handling equations. Practice a lot and learn from your mistakes.

Using a Protractor -
Watch this brief illustrated lesson
and you will totally understand how
to use a protractor in connection
with Geometry.
Watch this brief illustrated lesson
and you will totally understand how
to use a protractor in connection
with Geometry.

Circles: Radius, Diameter and Circumference -
By the time 11 minutes go by, after watching
this video, you will know a great deal about
circles and their three main measurements.
Remember: What goes around comes around.
By the time 11 minutes go by, after watching
this video, you will know a great deal about
circles and their three main measurements.
Remember: What goes around comes around.

Pythagorean Theorem -
Listen to and watch the well-illustrated
explanation of this theorem and how
to figure out important measurements
of any right triangle.
Listen to and watch the well-illustrated
explanation of this theorem and how
to figure out important measurements
of any right triangle.

An Introduction to Trigonometry -
From the Khan Academy, this video
explains important concepts in the
study of this mathematical area.
From the Khan Academy, this video
explains important concepts in the
study of this mathematical area.

View and listen to many math concepts and procedures explained and illustrated by clicking on the tab at the top of this screen called "Useful Web Sites" and then scrolling down to and clicking on "Math Video Collection." Enjoy any or all of the 72 videos on the following major topics: Numbers and Their Properties, Arithmetic, Fractions, Percent, Algebra and Pre-algebra, Decimals, Ratio and Proportion, Measurement and Data, and Geometry.

33 Greatest Mathematicians of All Time -
This list includes Ptolemy, pictured on the left,
as well as such luminaries as Pythagoras, Euclid,
Archimedes, Descartes, Pascal, Newton, Banneker,
Turing and Nash, among others.
This list includes Ptolemy, pictured on the left,
as well as such luminaries as Pythagoras, Euclid,
Archimedes, Descartes, Pascal, Newton, Banneker,
Turing and Nash, among others.

Famous Female Mathematicians -
These include Marie Curie of Europe
and Katherine Okikiolu of Nigeria
in Africa.
These include Marie Curie of Europe
and Katherine Okikiolu of Nigeria
in Africa.

Ancient Mysteries and Civilizations -
This is a collection of 105 videos which explore such topics as
the Temple of Solomon, the seven wonders of the Buddhist world,
secrets and lost cities of ancient civilizations,
monuments, ninjas, Stonehenge, ancient medical
secrets, ancient technology, Atlantis and much more.
This is a collection of 105 videos which explore such topics as
the Temple of Solomon, the seven wonders of the Buddhist world,
secrets and lost cities of ancient civilizations,
monuments, ninjas, Stonehenge, ancient medical
secrets, ancient technology, Atlantis and much more.

The History of China -
View this video and follow the development
of China through more than 4,000 years of
history. Included are data about the emperors
and power struggles as well as contributions
to science and other areas of life.
View this video and follow the development
of China through more than 4,000 years of
history. Included are data about the emperors
and power struggles as well as contributions
to science and other areas of life.

The First Emperor of China -
Qin Chi Huang, who lived from 259 BC to 210 BC, was king of the Chinese state of Qin
from 246 BC to 221 BC, during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor
of a unified China in 221 BC. He was responsible for the Great Wall as well as major economic
and political reforms. He ruled until his death. Watch his story.
Qin Chi Huang, who lived from 259 BC to 210 BC, was king of the Chinese state of Qin
from 246 BC to 221 BC, during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor
of a unified China in 221 BC. He was responsible for the Great Wall as well as major economic
and political reforms. He ruled until his death. Watch his story.

Machines of Ancient China -
From the History Channel, watch
this fascinating exploration of
the machines invented and used
in ancient China. This is a 44-minute
video, with demonstrations.
From the History Channel, watch
this fascinating exploration of
the machines invented and used
in ancient China. This is a 44-minute
video, with demonstrations.

The Hittites -
Discover this ancient civilization
in a two-hour documentary
narrated by actor Jeremy Irons.
Discover this ancient civilization
in a two-hour documentary
narrated by actor Jeremy Irons.

The Treasures of Ancient Rome -
This BBC documentary (57 minutes long) takes you on a
journey to places and art of Rome at the height of the Roman
Empire. You'll see the good and the bad of this treasured area.
This BBC documentary (57 minutes long) takes you on a
journey to places and art of Rome at the height of the Roman
Empire. You'll see the good and the bad of this treasured area.

Feudalism -
This film clip describes the mutual obligations of each
feudal castle, and describes daily life within the castles
and in the villages of Medieval Europe.
This film clip describes the mutual obligations of each
feudal castle, and describes daily life within the castles
and in the villages of Medieval Europe.

Lady Elizabeth & the Tower of London -
In 1554, the woman who would one day become Queen Elizabeth I
and lead England to become the world's greatest naval power was
imprisoned in the Tower of London, just as had happened to her mother
years before. Watch and find out why this happened and what the result was.
In 1554, the woman who would one day become Queen Elizabeth I
and lead England to become the world's greatest naval power was
imprisoned in the Tower of London, just as had happened to her mother
years before. Watch and find out why this happened and what the result was.

The Golden Age of Piracy -
Explore the history of the activities of pirates, thieves without home
nations who attacked, captured and stole from ships sponsored by
specific countries and the people aboard them.
Explore the history of the activities of pirates, thieves without home
nations who attacked, captured and stole from ships sponsored by
specific countries and the people aboard them.

Kingdoms of West Africa -
Spend 48 minutes learning about the ancient
kingdoms of West Africa, such as the kingdoms
of Benin, Ghana, Songhai and Kanem. Travel to
the great kingdom of Mali, with its major city of
Timbuktu, hundreds of years ago - and today!
Spend 48 minutes learning about the ancient
kingdoms of West Africa, such as the kingdoms
of Benin, Ghana, Songhai and Kanem. Travel to
the great kingdom of Mali, with its major city of
Timbuktu, hundreds of years ago - and today!

The Quakers, the Dutch -
Learn about the colonies of Pennsylvania nd New York
before there was a United States as well as the Carolina
colonies. Listen to a dynamic teacher as he discuses
what life was like in America hundreds of years ago.
Learn about the colonies of Pennsylvania nd New York
before there was a United States as well as the Carolina
colonies. Listen to a dynamic teacher as he discuses
what life was like in America hundreds of years ago.

Empires Before World War I -
Presented is information about Austria - Hungary,
the Ottoman Empire an British, French, Russian
and German spheres of influence in the years just
before the start of WWI.
Presented is information about Austria - Hungary,
the Ottoman Empire an British, French, Russian
and German spheres of influence in the years just
before the start of WWI.

Scopes Monkey Trial -
This is a complete documentary about a trial in which the teaching of
Darwin's Theory of Evolution conflicts with the Bible's version of the
creation of life in this world. It enabled two famous attorneys - Clarence
Darrow and William Jennings Bryan - to argue against each other. Later,
the play INHERIT THE WIND would be written, fictionalizing this trial.
This is a complete documentary about a trial in which the teaching of
Darwin's Theory of Evolution conflicts with the Bible's version of the
creation of life in this world. It enabled two famous attorneys - Clarence
Darrow and William Jennings Bryan - to argue against each other. Later,
the play INHERIT THE WIND would be written, fictionalizing this trial.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Speech -
Watch and listen to the first speech made by FDR after he became President
of the United States. The speech was given during the Great Depression, in
1933. In it, the new leader told Americans that we had "nothing to fear but
fear itself" and that we could solve our own problems.
Watch and listen to the first speech made by FDR after he became President
of the United States. The speech was given during the Great Depression, in
1933. In it, the new leader told Americans that we had "nothing to fear but
fear itself" and that we could solve our own problems.

World War II: Its Causes, Stages and Aftermath -
This is an overview of this war, from the Treaty of
Versailles in 1919 to the Treaty of Rome in 1957.
Among topics covered are the Depression of the
1930's and Hitler's Nazi Germany.
This is an overview of this war, from the Treaty of
Versailles in 1919 to the Treaty of Rome in 1957.
Among topics covered are the Depression of the
1930's and Hitler's Nazi Germany.

Korean War Overview -
Here you can learn from history the events which
eventually led up to this conflict, the important
moments during the war and the armistice which
put a stop to the fighting. The video covers the
years from 1910 to 1955.
Here you can learn from history the events which
eventually led up to this conflict, the important
moments during the war and the armistice which
put a stop to the fighting. The video covers the
years from 1910 to 1955.

President Kennedy's Inaugural Speech -
On January 20, 1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy was sworn in as the new
President of the United States. Afterwards, he made a speech in which
he outlined his vision for the world and the role of the U. S. in it. Famous
lines include: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for
your country" - a call for idealism and patriotism, especially from young Americans.
On January 20, 1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy was sworn in as the new
President of the United States. Afterwards, he made a speech in which
he outlined his vision for the world and the role of the U. S. in it. Famous
lines include: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for
your country" - a call for idealism and patriotism, especially from young Americans.

"I Have a Dream" Speech -
Listen, in its entirety, to Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech,
given in front of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. Hear
Dr. King as he pleads that the U. S. treat everyone equally, and
that each person be judged by his/her character, not skin color.
Listen, in its entirety, to Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech,
given in front of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. Hear
Dr. King as he pleads that the U. S. treat everyone equally, and
that each person be judged by his/her character, not skin color.

The Zapruder Film -
This slow-motion version shows the chilling moment
of tragedy when President Kennedy is shot by Lee
Harvey Oswald on Friday, November 22, 1963 in
Dallas, Texas.
This slow-motion version shows the chilling moment
of tragedy when President Kennedy is shot by Lee
Harvey Oswald on Friday, November 22, 1963 in
Dallas, Texas.

Remembering Nelson Mandela -
This is the PBS video tribute to former South African President
Nelson Mandela, who, after spending 27 years in prison for protesting
his government's national policy of inequality against his race, is credited
with ending the racist policy of Apartheid in his country - and who died in
December 2013 at age 95. He led a remarkably unselfish and meaningful life.
This is the PBS video tribute to former South African President
Nelson Mandela, who, after spending 27 years in prison for protesting
his government's national policy of inequality against his race, is credited
with ending the racist policy of Apartheid in his country - and who died in
December 2013 at age 95. He led a remarkably unselfish and meaningful life.

Sixty Second Adventures in Economics -
In this video, you will quickly learn about six economic theories: The Invisible Hand,
The Paradox of Thrift, The Phillips Curve, The Principle of Comparative Advantage, The Impossible Trinity and Rational Choice Theory. Each is covered in a brief illustrated lesson.
Some economists mentioned are Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes and Adam Smith.
In this video, you will quickly learn about six economic theories: The Invisible Hand,
The Paradox of Thrift, The Phillips Curve, The Principle of Comparative Advantage, The Impossible Trinity and Rational Choice Theory. Each is covered in a brief illustrated lesson.
Some economists mentioned are Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes and Adam Smith.

Criminology: An Introduction -
In this illustrated lecture by a college professor, you learn what criminology, a subdivision of sociology, is. You are told what a crime is defined as, and who determines if a crime has been committed. There is much more introductory information about this subject, such as definitions of commonly used terms in this field.
In this illustrated lecture by a college professor, you learn what criminology, a subdivision of sociology, is. You are told what a crime is defined as, and who determines if a crime has been committed. There is much more introductory information about this subject, such as definitions of commonly used terms in this field.

Crime and Punishment -
Here we have a brief graphic presentation of the terrible, painful punishments which criminals faced for centuries, and how a transition took place to more humane punishments - and why this transition took place in the world of criminology.
Here we have a brief graphic presentation of the terrible, painful punishments which criminals faced for centuries, and how a transition took place to more humane punishments - and why this transition took place in the world of criminology.

AP Psychology Review -
Watch this video as a review before taking your AP exam. Important: To the right of this video are more detailed specific clips on such topics as Neurotransmitters and Disorders; Types of Memory; Body Rhythms: Circadian, Infradian, Ultradian; Random Sample v. Random Assignment; The Ear and Transduction; Classical Conditioning; and What is AP Psychology? There are almost 30 videos dealing with AP Psych, including Confusing Pairs.
Watch this video as a review before taking your AP exam. Important: To the right of this video are more detailed specific clips on such topics as Neurotransmitters and Disorders; Types of Memory; Body Rhythms: Circadian, Infradian, Ultradian; Random Sample v. Random Assignment; The Ear and Transduction; Classical Conditioning; and What is AP Psychology? There are almost 30 videos dealing with AP Psych, including Confusing Pairs.

Parts of a Cell -
This very well illustrated video presents,
names and explains the functions of the
various parts of any cell. Pause and take
notes, as necessary.
This very well illustrated video presents,
names and explains the functions of the
various parts of any cell. Pause and take
notes, as necessary.

Frog Dissection -
Understand the internal anatomy of the frog
by viewing this 16-minute clip in which
everything is clearly labeled.
Understand the internal anatomy of the frog
by viewing this 16-minute clip in which
everything is clearly labeled.

Photosynthesis -
Explore the process by which plants and algae
can convert carbon dioxide into a useable sugar.
The illustrations are great and the speaker makes
the process easy to understand.
Explore the process by which plants and algae
can convert carbon dioxide into a useable sugar.
The illustrations are great and the speaker makes
the process easy to understand.

Asexual Reproduction -
View actual examples of asexual reproduction and
listen to the accompanying description of what is
occurring right before your eyes in this one-minute
View actual examples of asexual reproduction and
listen to the accompanying description of what is
occurring right before your eyes in this one-minute

Protein Synthesis -
Learn about the stages in this process
by studying insulin. Become familiar with
such words, acronyms and phrases as RNA,
DNA, amino acid, transcription, protein
molecules, plasma membrane, etc.
Learn about the stages in this process
by studying insulin. Become familiar with
such words, acronyms and phrases as RNA,
DNA, amino acid, transcription, protein
molecules, plasma membrane, etc.

Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection -
This is a 17-minute first exploration of such topics as
evolution, variations in a population of a species and
the results of natural selection.
This is a 17-minute first exploration of such topics as
evolution, variations in a population of a species and
the results of natural selection.

What Humans Might Look Like in the Future -
The human race is relatively young. We evolved from Africa about 200,000 years ago to what we look like today and we may still be evolving on a planet which is about 4.55 billion years old. We have many reasons to continue evolving, such as the development of
immunity to such diseases and medical conditions as heart disease, various types of cancer, high cholesterol and modern viruses. Also, our brains may develop so that they can become more powerful. There are so many possibilities. Watch this documentary and learn.
The human race is relatively young. We evolved from Africa about 200,000 years ago to what we look like today and we may still be evolving on a planet which is about 4.55 billion years old. We have many reasons to continue evolving, such as the development of
immunity to such diseases and medical conditions as heart disease, various types of cancer, high cholesterol and modern viruses. Also, our brains may develop so that they can become more powerful. There are so many possibilities. Watch this documentary and learn.

This explains what DNA stands for, what it is, and
why it is important. View graphic representations
of DNA examples (the double-helix).
This explains what DNA stands for, what it is, and
why it is important. View graphic representations
of DNA examples (the double-helix).

All About Biology-
To have access to many videos showing you how to learn different areas of biology, go to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "All about Biology." Select the videos which you need in order to learn or review various aspects of this specific branch of science. There are approximately 70 instructive videos; just a few are Fats and Lipids, Enzymes, Proteins, Cilia and Flagella, Osmosis, Photosynthesis, Natural Selection, Viruses, Adaptive Radiation, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Neurons and many others.
To have access to many videos showing you how to learn different areas of biology, go to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "All about Biology." Select the videos which you need in order to learn or review various aspects of this specific branch of science. There are approximately 70 instructive videos; just a few are Fats and Lipids, Enzymes, Proteins, Cilia and Flagella, Osmosis, Photosynthesis, Natural Selection, Viruses, Adaptive Radiation, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Neurons and many others.

All About Chemistry -
To have access to many videos showing you how to learn different areas of chemistry, go to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "All about Chemistry." Select the videos which you need in order to learn or review various aspects of this branch of science. There are more than 220 instructive videos; just a few are Scientific Method, Scientific Units, Elements and Compounds, Atomic Structure, Noble Gases, Polarity, Chemical Equations, Types of Reactions, Gases, Osmosis, Naming Acids, pH and pOH, Equilibrium Changes, Half-Reactions, Voltaic Cells, Electrolysis, Salts and a number of "Tips" (such as "Tips for Identifying Acid and Base Strength" and "Tips for Determining Oxidation Numbers."
To have access to many videos showing you how to learn different areas of chemistry, go to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "All about Chemistry." Select the videos which you need in order to learn or review various aspects of this branch of science. There are more than 220 instructive videos; just a few are Scientific Method, Scientific Units, Elements and Compounds, Atomic Structure, Noble Gases, Polarity, Chemical Equations, Types of Reactions, Gases, Osmosis, Naming Acids, pH and pOH, Equilibrium Changes, Half-Reactions, Voltaic Cells, Electrolysis, Salts and a number of "Tips" (such as "Tips for Identifying Acid and Base Strength" and "Tips for Determining Oxidation Numbers."

All about Physics - To have access to many videos showing you how to learn different
areas of biology, go to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page
to "All about Physics." Select the videos which you need in order to learn or review various
aspects of this branch of science. There are at least 175 instructive videos on such topics as Scientific Method Steps, Relativity in Motion, Average Velocity, Graphs of Motion, Projectile Motion, Force, Tension, Rotation and Revolution, Torque, Centripetal Force, Centrifugal Force, Kinetic Energy, Momentum, Heat, Entropy, Density, Buoyancy, Atmospheric Pressure, Bernoulli's Principle, Wave Characteristics, Conductors, Insulators and many others.
areas of biology, go to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page
to "All about Physics." Select the videos which you need in order to learn or review various
aspects of this branch of science. There are at least 175 instructive videos on such topics as Scientific Method Steps, Relativity in Motion, Average Velocity, Graphs of Motion, Projectile Motion, Force, Tension, Rotation and Revolution, Torque, Centripetal Force, Centrifugal Force, Kinetic Energy, Momentum, Heat, Entropy, Density, Buoyancy, Atmospheric Pressure, Bernoulli's Principle, Wave Characteristics, Conductors, Insulators and many others.

Technology of the Future -
Which technological equipment will we
and our descendents be using in the future?
The BBC presents answers in this documentary.
Which technological equipment will we
and our descendents be using in the future?
The BBC presents answers in this documentary.

Three- Dimensional Printing -
How will 3-D printing influence or affect
our world? Will it be a big deal or is it over-
hyped? This video attempts to supply some
How will 3-D printing influence or affect
our world? Will it be a big deal or is it over-
hyped? This video attempts to supply some

Origins of the Periodic Table -
This video explains how Mendeleev
went about organizing the first
periodic table of the elements. It
should help you better understand
the current table.
This video explains how Mendeleev
went about organizing the first
periodic table of the elements. It
should help you better understand
the current table.

Elements and Atoms -
Learn how the elements relate to atoms.
Become knowledgeable about gases, liquids
and solids. Understand about the protons,
neutrons and electrons which make up
Learn how the elements relate to atoms.
Become knowledgeable about gases, liquids
and solids. Understand about the protons,
neutrons and electrons which make up

Earth Science: Minerals -
Become aware of what minerals are,
including their various characteristics
and what they all have in common as
well as differences.
Become aware of what minerals are,
including their various characteristics
and what they all have in common as
well as differences.
RADIANCE from LakeSuperiorPhoto on Vimeo.

Bill Nye the Science Guy explains why Jupiter is like a blender -
This scientist enjoys explaining things so that they are easy to understand. Here,
he informs you how the largest planet helped spread necessary matter around
the Solar System. He makes clear Jupiter's role in the creation of our planetary
This scientist enjoys explaining things so that they are easy to understand. Here,
he informs you how the largest planet helped spread necessary matter around
the Solar System. He makes clear Jupiter's role in the creation of our planetary

Seismic Waves -
What are seismic waves? What causes them?
What do they do? Listen and watch as Sal Khan
explains it all.
What are seismic waves? What causes them?
What do they do? Listen and watch as Sal Khan
explains it all.

Hurricane -
Where do hurricanes come from? How do they start?
What's the difference between a Category 1 and a
Category 5 hurricane? What are the parts of a
hurricane called? Watch this video and find out.
Where do hurricanes come from? How do they start?
What's the difference between a Category 1 and a
Category 5 hurricane? What are the parts of a
hurricane called? Watch this video and find out.

Tsunami -
The first part of this three and a half minute video
shows the devastating effects of a tsunami which hit
northern Japan on March 11, 2011. The film continues
with an illustrated description of how a tsunami is
The first part of this three and a half minute video
shows the devastating effects of a tsunami which hit
northern Japan on March 11, 2011. The film continues
with an illustrated description of how a tsunami is

Physics -
The Laws of Physics are covered in this video. Through an
exploration of the greatest discoveries of physics, you will
learn what physics is all about. Many of these scientific
laws are illustrated with demonstrations shown to you.
The Laws of Physics are covered in this video. Through an
exploration of the greatest discoveries of physics, you will
learn what physics is all about. Many of these scientific
laws are illustrated with demonstrations shown to you.

The 100 Greatest Discoveries in Physics -
Discover for yourself the most important discoveries
made in the science of Physics in this well-
illustrated and fascinating lecture, with interviews
of world-renowned professional physicists.
Discover for yourself the most important discoveries
made in the science of Physics in this well-
illustrated and fascinating lecture, with interviews
of world-renowned professional physicists.

Quick but Clear Physics Explanations -
At this site, you can find a collection of brief (usually one to four minutes long) videos teaching the answers to several questions which fall under the science of Physics, such as:
At this site, you can find a collection of brief (usually one to four minutes long) videos teaching the answers to several questions which fall under the science of Physics, such as:
- Why is it Dark at Night 5. How Does the Sun Work?
- Where was the Big Bang? 6. What is Dark Matter?
- Is it Better to Walk or Run in the Rain? 7. What was Shrodinger's Cat?
- What is Gravity? 8. What is Fire? (and many others)

Ten Wonders of Space -
These include Mars' underground lakes,
Phobos' monolith, Titan's surface, Europa's
ocean, the exoplanets and the waterworld.
These include Mars' underground lakes,
Phobos' monolith, Titan's surface, Europa's
ocean, the exoplanets and the waterworld.
Watch, below, two time-lapse videos, the first taken of the Mauna Kea (Hawaii) observatories and the heavens. Get a feel for what some astronomers might be doing. The second shows various natural scenes in the nation of Iceland.Click on each PLAY symbol to start.
Mauna Kea Heavens Timelapse from Sean Goebel on Vimeo.

Famous Female Scientists -
- Marie Curie, Lisa Meitner,
Chien-Shiung Wu, Jane
Goodall, Melissa Franklin
and nine others
- Marie Curie, Lisa Meitner,
Chien-Shiung Wu, Jane
Goodall, Melissa Franklin
and nine others


How to Improve Your English Listening -
Learn the reasons that listening to English conversations
might be difficult for you to understand -
and how to improve your listening skills.
Learn the reasons that listening to English conversations
might be difficult for you to understand -
and how to improve your listening skills.

Use of the Articles - a, an, the -
This site will make clear when and why you should use the words a, an and the
in their proper places before certain words. This is an important lesson, since
some languages have no such words, and when you don't include them in your writing, each time it is another mistake. (This site is aimed at adults preparing for the American
citizenship test, but it is suitable for you, also. It is part of an interactive free site which offers interactive videos and other exercises: )
This site will make clear when and why you should use the words a, an and the
in their proper places before certain words. This is an important lesson, since
some languages have no such words, and when you don't include them in your writing, each time it is another mistake. (This site is aimed at adults preparing for the American
citizenship test, but it is suitable for you, also. It is part of an interactive free site which offers interactive videos and other exercises: )

A Second Look at a, an, the -
If you still don't understand the use of the articles in English, follow this lesson by a college professor, and watch the illustrations. It's really important to your writing and speaking
for you to learn how to use these three adjectives, especially since some languages don't contain similar words. Knowing them will eliminate many of your writing mistakes.
If you still don't understand the use of the articles in English, follow this lesson by a college professor, and watch the illustrations. It's really important to your writing and speaking
for you to learn how to use these three adjectives, especially since some languages don't contain similar words. Knowing them will eliminate many of your writing mistakes.

How to Talk About Your Family -
The teacher here explains how you can speak
about and refer to your immediate family (and
what that means). Get to know terms such as
sibling, cousin, uncle, aunt, maternal and paternal
when it comes to families.
The teacher here explains how you can speak
about and refer to your immediate family (and
what that means). Get to know terms such as
sibling, cousin, uncle, aunt, maternal and paternal
when it comes to families.

Useful Phrases for Making Friends -
What do you say when you first meet people?
Watch and listen as you are told assorted things
to say as you get to know people and make friends.
What do you say when you first meet people?
Watch and listen as you are told assorted things
to say as you get to know people and make friends.

Vocabulary About Your Home -
Do you know all the words presented, pictured
and pronounced in this short video?
Do you know all the words presented, pictured
and pronounced in this short video?

Conversations at a Party -
What do you say in American English when
you go to a party? Here are a few ideas for
you to use.
What do you say in American English when
you go to a party? Here are a few ideas for
you to use.

How to Speak English Fluently and Naturally -
Get to understand how to avoid speaking with pauses
and hesitation, how to express your ideas in English more
smoothly, and how to avoid translating your thoughts.
Get to understand how to avoid speaking with pauses
and hesitation, how to express your ideas in English more
smoothly, and how to avoid translating your thoughts.

Everyday Idioms - Made Easy -
Find out the meanings and uses of many American
idioms, such as "raining cats and dogs" and "go the
extra mile." The explanations are illustrated.
Find out the meanings and uses of many American
idioms, such as "raining cats and dogs" and "go the
extra mile." The explanations are illustrated.

Famous English Proverbs -
Explanations are given for such well-known proverbs
as "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and "Practice
makes perfect."
Explanations are given for such well-known proverbs
as "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and "Practice
makes perfect."

Irregular Verbs in English -
Take notes as you learn about verbs which do not
follow the normal or regular forms. Such words covered
are break, choose, forget, get, speak, put, become and run.
Take notes as you learn about verbs which do not
follow the normal or regular forms. Such words covered
are break, choose, forget, get, speak, put, become and run.

Lose, Loose, Loss, Lost -
Learn the differences among these four words -
what they mean and when to use each one.
Learn the differences among these four words -
what they mean and when to use each one.

See, Watch, Look -
Find out when to use each of these words
so that you do not mix them up. Avoid confusion.
Find out when to use each of these words
so that you do not mix them up. Avoid confusion.

14 Ways To Say "I Like It." -
In this lesson, learn several ways to express
that you like and appreciate something.
In this lesson, learn several ways to express
that you like and appreciate something.

"May I?" vs. "Can I?" -
When is it appropriate to ask, "May I . . . ?"
and when should you say, "Can I . . . ?"
When is it appropriate to ask, "May I . . . ?"
and when should you say, "Can I . . . ?"

Ways to Tell Someone to "Shut Up!" -
There are many ways to ask a person not to make so much
noise. Maybe that person is speaking during a movie or interrupting
you. It' may be time to tell that person to "Be quiet!"
There are many ways to ask a person not to make so much
noise. Maybe that person is speaking during a movie or interrupting
you. It' may be time to tell that person to "Be quiet!"

British and American Pronunciation -
Discover differences between the ways British
and American people say the same words and phrases.
Discover differences between the ways British
and American people say the same words and phrases.

Brief Video lessons in Learning English -
If you don't mind learning a bit of British English, most of what is taught in these lessons are suitable for any type of English. There are lessons on many topics, such as "Happy & Sad," "Health & Exercise," "Grammar," "Slang," "Technology," "Making a Speech," "Humor," "Fashion," "Money," "Describing Things," "The Human Body," "Giving Your Opinion," "British & American English," "Love," "Idioms & Proverbs," "English Tense" and "Plural English."
If you don't mind learning a bit of British English, most of what is taught in these lessons are suitable for any type of English. There are lessons on many topics, such as "Happy & Sad," "Health & Exercise," "Grammar," "Slang," "Technology," "Making a Speech," "Humor," "Fashion," "Money," "Describing Things," "The Human Body," "Giving Your Opinion," "British & American English," "Love," "Idioms & Proverbs," "English Tense" and "Plural English."

Why Should We Read Literature? -
Listen to what a college professor has to say about why we should read literature and care about what we read. For example, literature can help us see things and learn lessons about
life which we would otherwise not know. Because we see life through the numerous eyes of fictional characters, we have many vicarious and instructive experiences. Hear much more and you will be convinced that reading good literature is an invaluable experience.
Listen to what a college professor has to say about why we should read literature and care about what we read. For example, literature can help us see things and learn lessons about
life which we would otherwise not know. Because we see life through the numerous eyes of fictional characters, we have many vicarious and instructive experiences. Hear much more and you will be convinced that reading good literature is an invaluable experience.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley -
This is a visual summary of this classic horror
story. The book and the various movies are
quite different. The "monster" is greatly
misunderstood. (Click on "Skip ad" to get
This is a visual summary of this classic horror
story. The book and the various movies are
quite different. The "monster" is greatly
misunderstood. (Click on "Skip ad" to get

The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger -
Review the story of Holden Caulfield as he
struggles through society influenced by the
death of his younger brother. Decide whether
you agree with the narrator about Holden's
tuberculosis diagnosis.
Review the story of Holden Caulfield as he
struggles through society influenced by the
death of his younger brother. Decide whether
you agree with the narrator about Holden's
tuberculosis diagnosis.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee -
Follow the illustrated happenings involving
Atticus Finch, his children Scout and Jem and
the other inhabitants of Maycomb, Alabama
in the 1930's.
Follow the illustrated happenings involving
Atticus Finch, his children Scout and Jem and
the other inhabitants of Maycomb, Alabama
in the 1930's.

To Kill a Mockingbird film clips -
At this site are 10 movie clips which will
help you visualize both the characters -
major and minor - and the locales of the
story (such as the Finch home, Boo Radley's
home, the courthouse, and Miss Maudie's
home and garden.
At this site are 10 movie clips which will
help you visualize both the characters -
major and minor - and the locales of the
story (such as the Finch home, Boo Radley's
home, the courthouse, and Miss Maudie's
home and garden.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald -
Be exposed to the synopsis of the novel, set in Great Neck (called
West Egg in the book) and Sands Point near Port Washington
(called East Egg) as well as discussions of major characters
and themes in the story.
Be exposed to the synopsis of the novel, set in Great Neck (called
West Egg in the book) and Sands Point near Port Washington
(called East Egg) as well as discussions of major characters
and themes in the story.

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck -
Follow the adventures of George and Lenny, migrant workers
in California during the Depression, as they meet various
characters on the farm where they are working. Share the
details of their dream - to own their own place one day.
Follow the adventures of George and Lenny, migrant workers
in California during the Depression, as they meet various
characters on the farm where they are working. Share the
details of their dream - to own their own place one day.

Of Mice and Men, the movie -
This is the complete original 1939 movie version of the story of
George and Lennie, migrant workers in Depression-era
California. Don't be prejudiced against the fact that this movie is
in black and white; watch the first four minutes and you'll be
hooked into watching the whole thing. The acting is terrific!
This is the complete original 1939 movie version of the story of
George and Lennie, migrant workers in Depression-era
California. Don't be prejudiced against the fact that this movie is
in black and white; watch the first four minutes and you'll be
hooked into watching the whole thing. The acting is terrific!

Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee (the 1999 TV movie version) -
In the full movie version of the famous play, which is in English with Spanish subtitles, watch two famous lawyers face off in what was called "The Trial of the Century" at the time. For a complete documentary on the actual trial, scroll up to "Social Studies" and click on "Scopes Monkey Trial." Is it about Creationism vs. Evolution or the right for all ideas to be heard?
In the full movie version of the famous play, which is in English with Spanish subtitles, watch two famous lawyers face off in what was called "The Trial of the Century" at the time. For a complete documentary on the actual trial, scroll up to "Social Studies" and click on "Scopes Monkey Trial." Is it about Creationism vs. Evolution or the right for all ideas to be heard?

Lord of the Flies by William Golding -
Join Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon, Roger and the other British
schoolboys as they learn to live without adults (or females)
on a previously uninhabited island. Watch as the boys form
into two opposite groups (tribes) and develop society without
the presence of grown-ups' rules and laws.
Join Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon, Roger and the other British
schoolboys as they learn to live without adults (or females)
on a previously uninhabited island. Watch as the boys form
into two opposite groups (tribes) and develop society without
the presence of grown-ups' rules and laws.

1984 by George Orwell -
Follow the video adventure of protagonist Winston
Smith as he tries to survive in a dystopian society
overseen by Big Brother and the Inner Party in a
world in which privacy is a thing of the past.
Follow the video adventure of protagonist Winston
Smith as he tries to survive in a dystopian society
overseen by Big Brother and the Inner Party in a
world in which privacy is a thing of the past.

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien -
This is a visual literary analysis of the first chapter
in the novel, which originally was a stand-alone short
story. There is a discussion of the characters, mostly
American soldiers, and how they functioned in
difficult times during the Vietnam War in 1968.
This is a visual literary analysis of the first chapter
in the novel, which originally was a stand-alone short
story. There is a discussion of the characters, mostly
American soldiers, and how they functioned in
difficult times during the Vietnam War in 1968.

Bad Seed by Maxwell Anderson -
What you have here is an interview with the grown woman who played the murderous Rhoda when she was eight years old. The actress (Patty McCormack) discusses the play and movie version of this story, giving insights into characters and behind-the-scenes information about the film. Pictured are the young Rhoda and handiman Leroy. The interview includes several scenes from the film.
What you have here is an interview with the grown woman who played the murderous Rhoda when she was eight years old. The actress (Patty McCormack) discusses the play and movie version of this story, giving insights into characters and behind-the-scenes information about the film. Pictured are the young Rhoda and handiman Leroy. The interview includes several scenes from the film.

Why Study Shakespeare? -
Understand why his works are still studied
in schools and performed on stage hundreds
of years after the Bard died in 1616.
Understand why his works are still studied
in schools and performed on stage hundreds
of years after the Bard died in 1616.

Elizabethan England -
Find out what it was like to live in
Elizabethan England, the time when
Shakespeare lived and wrote.
Find out what it was like to live in
Elizabethan England, the time when
Shakespeare lived and wrote.

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare -
Watch the story of the assassination of the Roman
leader Julius Caesar and its results. Spend time with
Caesar, Antony, Cassius, Brutus and the other characters
- and be sure to "Beware the Ides of March!"
Watch the story of the assassination of the Roman
leader Julius Caesar and its results. Spend time with
Caesar, Antony, Cassius, Brutus and the other characters
- and be sure to "Beware the Ides of March!"

Macbeth by William Shakespeare -
This play, set mostly in Scotland a thousand years ago, deals
with such concepts as hunger for power, deception, guilt,
loyalty and betrayal, fate and the supernatural. Follow the
fortunes and misfortunes of Macbeth and his wife. Watch out
for the many images of blood and darkness!
This play, set mostly in Scotland a thousand years ago, deals
with such concepts as hunger for power, deception, guilt,
loyalty and betrayal, fate and the supernatural. Follow the
fortunes and misfortunes of Macbeth and his wife. Watch out
for the many images of blood and darkness!
The above video, made and narrated by Mr. Munshine, presents an illustrated discussion of the various characters who experience guilt during the course of William Shakespeare's tragic play Macbeth. Begin the video by clicking on the white triangle in the center of the black box in the middle of the picture of Shakespeare above. You can watch this on a full screen by clicking on the four arrows in the lower right corner when you put the cursor on the clip while it is playing. Enjoy the show, and if you want to see the entire movie, clips of which are used in this presentation, get director Roman Polanski's version of the film Macbeth.

Elements of the Supernatural in Shakespeare's Macbeth -
Listen to this fascinating lecture as Mr. Munshine of the Study Center
discusses various types of supernatural beings and events in the
Scottish Play. Be sure to take notes (pausing the video as you need to)
and list the different examples of the metaphysical world as they are
recounted (witches, ghosts, apparitions, et al). The only one left out is
the King of England at the time the play took place, Edward the Healer,
who, it was said, could make sick people healthy by merely touching them.
Listen to this fascinating lecture as Mr. Munshine of the Study Center
discusses various types of supernatural beings and events in the
Scottish Play. Be sure to take notes (pausing the video as you need to)
and list the different examples of the metaphysical world as they are
recounted (witches, ghosts, apparitions, et al). The only one left out is
the King of England at the time the play took place, Edward the Healer,
who, it was said, could make sick people healthy by merely touching them.

The Odyssey by Homer (Part I) -
Follow Odysseus as he travels home from the Trojan War.
Experience his adventures, which involve the Calypso, the
Cyclops, and others, and understand the faithfulness of his
son Telemachus and his wife Penelope as they wait a very long
10 years for his return.
Follow Odysseus as he travels home from the Trojan War.
Experience his adventures, which involve the Calypso, the
Cyclops, and others, and understand the faithfulness of his
son Telemachus and his wife Penelope as they wait a very long
10 years for his return.

The Odyssey by Homer (Part II) -
The above story continues as the warrior travels home from the
Trojan War. Experience his adventures, which involve the Calypso,
the Cyclops, and others, and understand the faithfulness of his
son Telemachus and his wife Penelope as they wait a very long
10 years for his return.
The above story continues as the warrior travels home from the
Trojan War. Experience his adventures, which involve the Calypso,
the Cyclops, and others, and understand the faithfulness of his
son Telemachus and his wife Penelope as they wait a very long
10 years for his return.

American Passages: Native Voices -
In this video, college professors and Native American authors discuss
how contemporary American Indian writers "creatively employ and
adapt native traditions" as they write about what life is like for Native
Americans today.
In this video, college professors and Native American authors discuss
how contemporary American Indian writers "creatively employ and
adapt native traditions" as they write about what life is like for Native
Americans today.

American Passages: Regional Realism -
Watch this and you will learn about how Mark Twain transformed American literature by using regional dialect and confronting problems of racism and social inequality. Also covered are Charles Chesnutt, who challenged American stereotypes about racism, and Kate Chopin, who explored the frustration of women restricted by social conventions.
Watch this and you will learn about how Mark Twain transformed American literature by using regional dialect and confronting problems of racism and social inequality. Also covered are Charles Chesnutt, who challenged American stereotypes about racism, and Kate Chopin, who explored the frustration of women restricted by social conventions.

One Teen's Favorite Books - A teenager discusses some
of her best-loved books. The books she likes most include
several by Sarah Dressen. Some of the titles are That Summer,
Someone Like You, Eregon, The Last Song, A Great and Terrible Beauty,
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
of her best-loved books. The books she likes most include
several by Sarah Dressen. Some of the titles are That Summer,
Someone Like You, Eregon, The Last Song, A Great and Terrible Beauty,
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Top 10 Book Couples - Do you agree with this
list of the 10 best romantic couples appearing
in books? Who else would you add to the group
presented in this short video?
list of the 10 best romantic couples appearing
in books? Who else would you add to the group
presented in this short video?

Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose -
Watch this famous play acted out. This film first appeared
on TV in 1957 with a group of superb actors. Follow as Juror
Number 8 leads the other 11 jurors as they examine the
evidence and decide a young man's fate.
Watch this famous play acted out. This film first appeared
on TV in 1957 with a group of superb actors. Follow as Juror
Number 8 leads the other 11 jurors as they examine the
evidence and decide a young man's fate.

Animal Farm by George Orwell -
Presented here is the full-length film telling the story of
the rebellion against Framer Jones and the trickery by
Napoleon the pig as he and his hench-animals rule over
their fellow animals in an abusive way.
Presented here is the full-length film telling the story of
the rebellion against Framer Jones and the trickery by
Napoleon the pig as he and his hench-animals rule over
their fellow animals in an abusive way.

A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams -
Follow the struggles of Stanley, Stella and her sister Blanch
in this full-length movie version of the play. There are 14
separate film clips to view to see the entire story of this
tale of class, betrayal, deception and a lonely woman who
has "always depended on the kindness of strangers."
Follow the struggles of Stanley, Stella and her sister Blanch
in this full-length movie version of the play. There are 14
separate film clips to view to see the entire story of this
tale of class, betrayal, deception and a lonely woman who
has "always depended on the kindness of strangers."

The Killing Woods -
Watch and listen as British author Lucy Christopher reads Chapter One
of her mystery novel The Killing Woods, a "taut, psychologically realistic murder mystery
[that] knits trauma, danger, tragedy and hope into one cohesive tale." If you like what you hear,
visit the library and borrow a copy (or buy one at a bookstore or online).
Watch and listen as British author Lucy Christopher reads Chapter One
of her mystery novel The Killing Woods, a "taut, psychologically realistic murder mystery
[that] knits trauma, danger, tragedy and hope into one cohesive tale." If you like what you hear,
visit the library and borrow a copy (or buy one at a bookstore or online).

Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses -
Sit back and watch - and learn about - the gods and goddesses of ancient
Greece in this documentary which goes into detail for 1.5 hours, naming
the divinities and explaining their roles and their contributions to life.
Sit back and watch - and learn about - the gods and goddesses of ancient
Greece in this documentary which goes into detail for 1.5 hours, naming
the divinities and explaining their roles and their contributions to life.

Narcissus and Echo -
Follow the romantic (sort of) story of the
young man Narcissus and the young woman
who loved him very much, Echo - and the
tragedy that this ill-fated love story concludes with.
Follow the romantic (sort of) story of the
young man Narcissus and the young woman
who loved him very much, Echo - and the
tragedy that this ill-fated love story concludes with.

Persephone -
Who was this - a woman or a goddess?
Why is she worthy of a story about her?
Follow the Greek myth and learn about
her qualities and her life.
Who was this - a woman or a goddess?
Why is she worthy of a story about her?
Follow the Greek myth and learn about
her qualities and her life.

Hercules, Part One -
Learn about "the truth behind the myth."
Follow the creation and the early career
of this Greek half-human, half-god in the
first installment of his "biography."
Learn about "the truth behind the myth."
Follow the creation and the early career
of this Greek half-human, half-god in the
first installment of his "biography."

Hercules, Part Two -
Continue watching the story of Hercules.
Watch the later events in his life and
his ultimate demise, as this two-part
series concludes.
Continue watching the story of Hercules.
Watch the later events in his life and
his ultimate demise, as this two-part
series concludes.

Mythological Creatures -
Learn about 25 of the mythological animals (or part-human, part-animals)
which populated Greek Mythology, such as the Sphinx, the Satyr, the Sirens,
the Gryphon, the Chimera, the multi-headed dog Cerberus, Cyclops, the Hydra,
Medusa the Gorgon, the Centaur, Pegasus, the Minotaur and the Harpies.
Learn about 25 of the mythological animals (or part-human, part-animals)
which populated Greek Mythology, such as the Sphinx, the Satyr, the Sirens,
the Gryphon, the Chimera, the multi-headed dog Cerberus, Cyclops, the Hydra,
Medusa the Gorgon, the Centaur, Pegasus, the Minotaur and the Harpies.

Atlantis: The Lost World -
This 45-minute documentary presents possible findings related to the
lost city of Atlantis, an advanced civilization first described by Plato,
and what might have happened to it.
This 45-minute documentary presents possible findings related to the
lost city of Atlantis, an advanced civilization first described by Plato,
and what might have happened to it.

A Terrible Literature Class -
This scene from MadTV shows what an awful English class discussing
literature looks like. In this comedic performance, not only are the students
terrible but the principal of the school acts worse than the students - as the
noble teacher tries to impart some knowledge to her pupils.
This scene from MadTV shows what an awful English class discussing
literature looks like. In this comedic performance, not only are the students
terrible but the principal of the school acts worse than the students - as the
noble teacher tries to impart some knowledge to her pupils.

Agatha Christie -
In this pictorial review of this writer at different ages, the British "Queen of Crime" is represented. She wrote more than 80 crime novels and many famous mystery plays. Among the titles are And Then There Were None and Witness for the Prosecution. Her play The Mousetrap has been performed more than 23,000 times since it first opened in London, giving it the record as most continuously performed play ever. Chistie created two famous detectives, Miss Marple and Hercule Poisot. She is famous for her surprise endings and plot twists. She does a great job with them. If you are unfamiliar with the works of the most translated writer ever, it's time for you to get started.
In this pictorial review of this writer at different ages, the British "Queen of Crime" is represented. She wrote more than 80 crime novels and many famous mystery plays. Among the titles are And Then There Were None and Witness for the Prosecution. Her play The Mousetrap has been performed more than 23,000 times since it first opened in London, giving it the record as most continuously performed play ever. Chistie created two famous detectives, Miss Marple and Hercule Poisot. She is famous for her surprise endings and plot twists. She does a great job with them. If you are unfamiliar with the works of the most translated writer ever, it's time for you to get started.

Charles Dickens and Edgar Allan Poe -
Dickens wrote such works as A Christmas Carol, Great Expectations, A Tale
of Two Cities and David Copperfield. Poe wrote such poems as
"Annabel Lee" and "The Raven" and such short stories as "The Tell-Tale
Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado." He wrote horror stories, created
the detective story and was an early writer of science fiction stories.
Dickens wrote such works as A Christmas Carol, Great Expectations, A Tale
of Two Cities and David Copperfield. Poe wrote such poems as
"Annabel Lee" and "The Raven" and such short stories as "The Tell-Tale
Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado." He wrote horror stories, created
the detective story and was an early writer of science fiction stories.

F. Scott Fitzgerald -
He lived in Great Neck and set his story The Great Gatsby
in Great Neck (West Egg) and Sands Point (East Egg). He
also authored The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, This Side
of Paradise, The Beautiful and the Damned, Tender is the Night
and several other novels and short stories.
He lived in Great Neck and set his story The Great Gatsby
in Great Neck (West Egg) and Sands Point (East Egg). He
also authored The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, This Side
of Paradise, The Beautiful and the Damned, Tender is the Night
and several other novels and short stories.

Ernest Hemingway -
He wrote The Old Man and the Sea,
The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to
Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls and
many other novels and short stories.
He wrote The Old Man and the Sea,
The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to
Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls and
many other novels and short stories.

In Search of Shakespeare - Part One - A Time of Revolution -
This series focuses on the times in which the Bard lived, including
Queen Elizabeth's police state, the defeat of the Spanish Armada,
the Gunpowder Plot, the start of colonization of the New Worlds,
the death of Elizabeth and the reign of King James I.
This series focuses on the times in which the Bard lived, including
Queen Elizabeth's police state, the defeat of the Spanish Armada,
the Gunpowder Plot, the start of colonization of the New Worlds,
the death of Elizabeth and the reign of King James I.

In Search of Shakespeare - Part Two - The Lost Years -
This episode covers that
period in the life of Shakespeare
when not much is known about his life.
This episode covers that
period in the life of Shakespeare
when not much is known about his life.

in Search of Shakespeare - Part Three - The Duty of Poets -
Shakespeare goes through
professional success and
personal tragedy.
Shakespeare goes through
professional success and
personal tragedy.

In Search of Shakespeare - Part Four - For All Time -
We sum up the contributions
of the world's greatest writer.
We sum up the contributions
of the world's greatest writer.

Mark Twain -
He wrote such novels as The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer (and Huckleberry Finn), A
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
and The Prince and the Pauper.
He wrote such novels as The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer (and Huckleberry Finn), A
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
and The Prince and the Pauper.

Jules Verne -
He was one of the first science fiction novelists, writing
such works as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,
Around the World in Eighty Days, A Journey to the Center
of the Earth and From the Earth to the Moon.
He was one of the first science fiction novelists, writing
such works as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,
Around the World in Eighty Days, A Journey to the Center
of the Earth and From the Earth to the Moon.

H. G. Wells -
He authored the Time Machine,
The War of the Worlds, The Island
of Dr. Moreau and several others.
He authored the Time Machine,
The War of the Worlds, The Island
of Dr. Moreau and several others.

Mitch Albom -
Listen to the author of
Tuesdays With Morrie and
The Five People You Meet in
Heaven as he shares his
Listen to the author of
Tuesdays With Morrie and
The Five People You Meet in
Heaven as he shares his

Isaac Asimov -
Here is an interview
with famous and prolific
Russian-born American
writer Isaac Asimov,
author of hundreds of books.
Here is an interview
with famous and prolific
Russian-born American
writer Isaac Asimov,
author of hundreds of books.

Stephen King -
This author from Maine has written, among other
stories, The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption,
It, Sometimes They Come Back, Carrie, and 11/22/63.
Who knows what will come next?
This author from Maine has written, among other
stories, The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption,
It, Sometimes They Come Back, Carrie, and 11/22/63.
Who knows what will come next?

Walter Dean Meyers -
Listen as this author
of more than 100 young
adult novels discusses
the importance of reading
to his life.
Listen as this author
of more than 100 young
adult novels discusses
the importance of reading
to his life.

Rod Serling -
Meet the writer who created
the classical television series
from the Golden Age of TV,
The Twilight Zone.
Meet the writer who created
the classical television series
from the Golden Age of TV,
The Twilight Zone.

Mark Twain -
This is a "fun" faux
interview about the
author of The Adventures
of Tom Sawyer among
many other novels.
This is a "fun" faux
interview about the
author of The Adventures
of Tom Sawyer among
many other novels.

Parts of Speech: a review -
Use this review after you have been taught the
eight parts of speech so that you can clear up
any confusing points about the various parts
of speech. Take notes as you need to do so.
Use this review after you have been taught the
eight parts of speech so that you can clear up
any confusing points about the various parts
of speech. Take notes as you need to do so.

Parts of Speech Rap Song -
Listen and sing along as you learn about nouns, verbs,
pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions,
conjunctions and interjections. Just make sure you
play this song a few times till you understand what
you are being taught.
Listen and sing along as you learn about nouns, verbs,
pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions,
conjunctions and interjections. Just make sure you
play this song a few times till you understand what
you are being taught.

The Tenses in English -
This video shows you which different tenses there are,
using the verb "work" and putting it in sentences in
various tenses, such as past, present, future, and the
progressive tenses. It does NOT teach the differences
between the tenses. It does show you the forms.
This video shows you which different tenses there are,
using the verb "work" and putting it in sentences in
various tenses, such as past, present, future, and the
progressive tenses. It does NOT teach the differences
between the tenses. It does show you the forms.

Diagramming Sentences -
Learn about the uses of horizontal, vertical and slanting lines
in the diagramming of sentences to show how words in a sentence
are related to each other.
Learn about the uses of horizontal, vertical and slanting lines
in the diagramming of sentences to show how words in a sentence
are related to each other.

All about Grammar -
To have access to 33 videos showing you how to learn about different areas of grammar, go
to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "All about Grammar." Select the brief videos which you need; watch, listen and learn!
To have access to 33 videos showing you how to learn about different areas of grammar, go
to the tab above called "Useful Web Sites" and scroll down on that page to "All about Grammar." Select the brief videos which you need; watch, listen and learn!

All about Writing -
Go to this collection of 26 videos by clicking on the tab called "Useful Web Sites" near the top of this page, scrolling down on that page to "All about Writing" and choosing from among such topics as
Essay Hook, Essay Thesis, Introduction Paragraph, Body Paragraph, Supporting Evidence, Conclusion Paragraph, College Essay, Personal Essay, Research Essay, Literary Essay, 5-Paragraph Essay, Compare and Contrast Essay, Prewriting, Writing an Outline, Rough Draft, Essay Editing, Story Plot, Literary Characters, Irony, Conflict in Literature, Imagery, Figurative Language, Sound Devices and Symbolism.
Go to this collection of 26 videos by clicking on the tab called "Useful Web Sites" near the top of this page, scrolling down on that page to "All about Writing" and choosing from among such topics as
Essay Hook, Essay Thesis, Introduction Paragraph, Body Paragraph, Supporting Evidence, Conclusion Paragraph, College Essay, Personal Essay, Research Essay, Literary Essay, 5-Paragraph Essay, Compare and Contrast Essay, Prewriting, Writing an Outline, Rough Draft, Essay Editing, Story Plot, Literary Characters, Irony, Conflict in Literature, Imagery, Figurative Language, Sound Devices and Symbolism.

The History of the Spanish Language -
Learn about the roles of the ancient Romans, Arabs and native
Americans in the development of this language, the most often
taught foreign language in the U.S. and a language spoken world-wide
by 390 million people.
Learn about the roles of the ancient Romans, Arabs and native
Americans in the development of this language, the most often
taught foreign language in the U.S. and a language spoken world-wide
by 390 million people.

How to Speak Spanish: Greetings and Introductions -
The instructor here teaches you the correct ways to speak formally
and informally to people when saying hello to them or asking them
how they feel, etc.
The instructor here teaches you the correct ways to speak formally
and informally to people when saying hello to them or asking them
how they feel, etc.

Learn Basic Spanish -
Find out the best words to know when you are going
to start speaking Spanish, in a conversation or while
traveling in a Spanish-speaking nation. You will learn
how Spanish works. Be ready to speak in a taxi or in
a restaurant, for example.
Find out the best words to know when you are going
to start speaking Spanish, in a conversation or while
traveling in a Spanish-speaking nation. You will learn
how Spanish works. Be ready to speak in a taxi or in
a restaurant, for example.

Teenager Speaks 20+ Languages -
Watch and listen to polyglot Tim Doner, who has been teaching
himself languages since he was 13 years old. Follow him as he
tours New York City and engages in conversations in a multiple
of languages, including Arabic, Mandarin, Russian, Hebrew,
Swahili, Pashto, French, Hindi and several others.
Watch and listen to polyglot Tim Doner, who has been teaching
himself languages since he was 13 years old. Follow him as he
tours New York City and engages in conversations in a multiple
of languages, including Arabic, Mandarin, Russian, Hebrew,
Swahili, Pashto, French, Hindi and several others.

Bilingual Celebrities -
View a number of well-known people as they demonstrate
that they know more than one language, such people as
Sandra Bullock, Bradley Cooper, and Ronaldo.
View a number of well-known people as they demonstrate
that they know more than one language, such people as
Sandra Bullock, Bradley Cooper, and Ronaldo.
to stimulate your imagination

Albert Einstein -
Watch this series of film clips and learn about the
ideas and visions of Einstein, as well as details of
his life.
Watch this series of film clips and learn about the
ideas and visions of Einstein, as well as details of
his life.

How Albert Einstein's Brain Worked -
Follow the story of what happened to Einstein's brain after he died,
and how his brain was found to be different from "normal" brains.
Follow the story of what happened to Einstein's brain after he died,
and how his brain was found to be different from "normal" brains.

The REAL Rain Man -
This is the story of the man who has a most unusual
brain. His mental abilities are unique. He is a savant
who was the inspiration for the movie RAIN MAN.
This is the story of the man who has a most unusual
brain. His mental abilities are unique. He is a savant
who was the inspiration for the movie RAIN MAN.

How to Do an Easy Money Magic Trick -
Make money suddenly appear! Amaze your friends!
Watch this video and learn the secret to working this
"magic" trick. Remember, seeing is believing BUT looks
can be deceiving!! (By the way, watching this and other
videos is a form of doing research. That was painless, right?)
Make money suddenly appear! Amaze your friends!
Watch this video and learn the secret to working this
"magic" trick. Remember, seeing is believing BUT looks
can be deceiving!! (By the way, watching this and other
videos is a form of doing research. That was painless, right?)

How to Do the "Coin Through the Bottle" Trick -
Watch as our student magician demonstrates and then
explains a trick in which a coin SEEMS to be placed through a
plastic bottle into the water contained in the bottle.
Watch as our student magician demonstrates and then
explains a trick in which a coin SEEMS to be placed through a
plastic bottle into the water contained in the bottle.

World's Deadliest Predators: Stoat Hypnotizes Rabbit -
Different animals have an assortment of ways to attack their prey. Here a stoat,
a furry animal also known as an ermine, uses "dance"moves to put a rabbit into
a trance before it attacks. This is a brief National Geographic film.
Different animals have an assortment of ways to attack their prey. Here a stoat,
a furry animal also known as an ermine, uses "dance"moves to put a rabbit into
a trance before it attacks. This is a brief National Geographic film.

How to Draw Trees -
Take a lesson in how to draw various types of trees
using pencil and paper. It will relax you. (There are many
drawing lessons available.)
Take a lesson in how to draw various types of trees
using pencil and paper. It will relax you. (There are many
drawing lessons available.)
It's paper from Pingo van der Brinkloev on Vimeo.
To relax between assignments, follow the video below as the Great Neck South High girls' basketball team plays Great Neck North's team on January 23, 2013:

Nine Year Old Opera Singer -
Listen as a nine year old girl with a magnificent voice appears on
"Holland's Got Talent" and sings Puccini's "O Mio Babbino Caro"
("Oh, My Beloved Father"). The Dutch girl's name is Amira Willighagen -
and you will be amazed, even if you don't like or know anything about
opera. Just enjoy human talent!
Listen as a nine year old girl with a magnificent voice appears on
"Holland's Got Talent" and sings Puccini's "O Mio Babbino Caro"
("Oh, My Beloved Father"). The Dutch girl's name is Amira Willighagen -
and you will be amazed, even if you don't like or know anything about
opera. Just enjoy human talent!

Flying Car -
Observe a car made in Slovakia which is a prototype
for the car of the future. Not only is it a single-passenger
automobile but it can be easily and quickly converted
to a single-engine airplane.
Observe a car made in Slovakia which is a prototype
for the car of the future. Not only is it a single-passenger
automobile but it can be easily and quickly converted
to a single-engine airplane.

Ten Mysterious People Whose Identities are Unknown -
Review 10 people whom people might have heard about but whose names nobody knows -
such as the person who decorates Poe's grave every year, the man in the iron mask, the man
who refused to salute Hitler while everyone else in a photo did, and, of course, Jack the Ripper.
Review 10 people whom people might have heard about but whose names nobody knows -
such as the person who decorates Poe's grave every year, the man in the iron mask, the man
who refused to salute Hitler while everyone else in a photo did, and, of course, Jack the Ripper.

Cat versus Alligators -
Down in the Bayou, in Louisiana, watch a cat protect its
territory and its humans from two dangerous, threatening
alligators. Don't worry; no animal was hurt in the making of
this film - but one cat deserves a medal for bravery.
Down in the Bayou, in Louisiana, watch a cat protect its
territory and its humans from two dangerous, threatening
alligators. Don't worry; no animal was hurt in the making of
this film - but one cat deserves a medal for bravery.