The school year is now in its fourth and final quarter. The academic year 2013 - 2014 is about 85% finished. You have final assignments and final exams (or Regents) ahead of you. How would you like to feel? Think about it now. If you don't do as well as you could, you will be unhappy with yourself - and your family will not be too happy with you. However, if you do your best, if you pass all your tests and classes, if you get a few really good grades, you will feel a sense of pride in yourself that will make for a relaxed, pleasant summer vacation. Wouldn't you enjoy hearing family members tell you how proud they are of you? All you have to do is try hard, avoid procrastinating, think clearly and do what you know you are capable of doing. There is real satisfaction that one gets from a job well done. Determine today, if you haven't done so yet, to finish the school year in a way that will make you proud of yourself! Then you can be sure that the people who matter most to you will feel that same pride in you.