Should you be paid cash for the schoolwork which you do, especially if you get good grades? If so, who should pay you? The government? Your parents? This subject comes up because there was a story in the news last week about whether college athletes should be paid money for being on the football team or whatever. Funny - many of them ARE being paid . . . with scholarships. Students in high school ARE being paid - with knowledge. Okay, that sounds corny, but it's true. The knowledge which you gain in high school can prepare you for a coveted college scholarship. It should prepare you for a career in which you can make a living wage. Whether you take advantage of your time in high school is up to you - and this year, it begins NOW! Do you want to get the big bucks some day? Then do your best every day. Organize, plan, don't put things off, study, attend - do all the things you know it takes to get the most out of your education. Treasure that a high school education is free in this country. (It isn't free in every nation.) Of course, unless you earn one of those precious scholarships, college is NOT free at all. So do your best starting TODAY!
9/17/2013 03:49:29 am
9/17/2013 04:10:14 am
Yes? That's all you have to say? WHY yes? Give some reasons. WHY do you deserve to get paid money? Isn't knowledge enough? What about all the students in past years who never got money for their grades? Write a persuasive response. Be convincing - and it'll take more than one word to be convincing. Argue your point!
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April 2020
CategoriesAuthorThe ideas on this page come from a Study Center teacher with almost 50 years of teaching experience. More importantly, these entries have NO LIFE until you students write comments and share your ideas and your responses to the ideas presented. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Let yourself be heard. |